Frequently Asked Question:
What Should I Do?
By William Pelrine Jr.
"…they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they
shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be
weary; and they shall walk and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31)
us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall
be upon his shoulders: and his name shall be called Wonderful,
Counsellor, The might God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of
Peace." (Isaiah 9:6)
If you’re like me you frequently ask the
question (FAQ) in this essay’s title however, the way you arrive at
the answer to that burning query may differ from me. Many years ago
I gave my life to Jesus. I turned my all my decision making over to
Him. I gave Him all my thoughts, words and deeds. It was right about
that time in my life that I repented for some sins that had been
separating me from God.
I grew up listening to The Messiah by
Handel. If you’re familiar with this oratorio you’ll remember the
second scripture quote above is in it (Isaiah 9:6). I was taught in
church and church school that Jesus is our Counsellor. I’ve heard
the same thing in songs other than The Messiah as well.
When I
read The Holy Bible I saw how God would talk to people like Abraham
and Moses. I prayed to God that He would talk to me and tell me what
to do with this life He gave me. Now He tells me when to get up from
my slumber, when to go to bed and when to set my alarm clock. I just
got done cleaning my apartment (and boy did it need a good dusting).
He told me to do it and how. He tells me what and when to eat. He
tells me what to wear, what clothes to buy and when and where to do
my laundry. He does all these things in Jesus’ name.
Our God is
an awesome God. He knows that the things in our lives that seem
little to us make a big difference to those around us: like our body
odor or the way our apartments or we look and how healthy we are and
what we eat.
When Jesus tells me three times in my heart that
it’s Him telling me to do something I know it’s Him. He also tells
me Lucifer wouldn’t do it. That way I’m sure it’s Him and not the
devil and I’ll do what He says.
Many times a demon tries to tell me to do something. When he does, The Holy Spirit of Jesus is right there exposing him. He tells me it’s Lucifer or the devil. God tells me to rebuke the devil in the name of Jesus and I do. I call him a liar and the father of lies because that’s the truth. I say out loud, "Lucifer, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus."
"…Know the truth
and the truth will make you free." (John 8:32) With Jesus as my
Counsellor I’m free from sin the devil would try to get me to
Through going to church, church school, reading The Holy
Bible, praying, repenting and meditating on the scriptures I have
come to know Jesus in a personal way that no one else does not only
in the scriptures, but also through the fellowship of The Holy
Spirit. I believe that if you repent, turn to the gospel and believe
in Jesus you can have Him as your Counsellor too. Turn your
question, "What should I do?" into, "What would Jesus do?"
the peace of God that transcends all understanding keep your heart
and mind in Christ Jesus. (see Philippians 4:&)