
Image descriptionThe Ascention

By William Pelrine Jr.

 As a child growing up, I was taught that Jesus Christ was crucified, died, and three days after his crucifixion, rose from the dead. Gospel accounts tell of him revealing himself to quite a few people. No small feat.  Even though Christ revealed himself to many witnesses, folks still doubted that this actually happened. One, Thomas, a close disciple of Jesus, didn’t believe Christ actually rose from the dead until Jesus showed up himself, and let him put his hands in His nail prints.
 According to scripture, Christ opened for us the gates of heaven. If you can believe what I have already written, can you fathom the glory Christ must have experienced to be the one to open the gates of heaven, so that all those who follow him might also enter?
 Gospel accounts tell of the day when Christ ascended into glory. The glory of one, who suffered so much in this life, in such a selfless manner, for our fallen humanity, to me, is mind-boggling. If what the scriptures say is true, there is no glory in heaven or on earth like that of the risen Lord, Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible says if we believe in Jesus, we can share in His glory. Sharing in glory like that, to my mind, doesn’t compare to any glory we could have in this life.
 I used to be a volunteer fireman. I would help my neighbors by fighting fires in businesses and homes. I got called out quite on quite a few calls. I used to experience a certain amount of glory in serving my community as a firefighter. But I must say if you’re looking for glory, the real glory is in keeping the faith as a Christian and getting in on some of what’s going on up there in heaven.
 May the “peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4: 7)