William Pelrine, Jr.

Image descriptionBrief Autobiography

By William Pelrine Jr.
I was born in Bellevue Women's Hospital, in Niskayuna, New York, United States of America, North America, Western Hemisphere, Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe, on July 25th, 1957.
My family moved to Baldwinsville, New York when I was four years old. I attended the public schools there. I graduated from C.W. Baker High School in 1975. I received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the State University of New York at Brockport in 1979. Since then, I have studied and taken several courses over the years at churches and vocational schools.
I have worked in quite a few different capacities over the years. The first money I earned was collecting golf balls in the woods by a golf course and selling them to golfers. I shoveled snow for neighbors, raked  and mowed peoples' lawns, delivered newspapers, worked in a grocery store, was a water skiing counselor at a camp in the Adirondack Mountains, worked as a lifeguard, worked as a painter's helper and learned commercial and residential painting, was a door to door salesman, a book store clerk, a taxi driver, song writer and troubadour in New York City, a paint contractor, a carpenter's helper, a carpenter, ran a pizza parlor, worked as a baker, worked at a Rescue Mission as an inner city missionary, kept house for my mother assisting her with every imaginable thing on her honey-do list and served in Pastoral Care at a hospital, assisting with communion services and room-to-room visitation, which lead to working as a Psychiatric Case Worker Assistant, at a hospital psycho-social club for 11 years until I retired in 2011.
I am called to be an inner city missionary. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior at the age of 10. I have had an apostolic calling on my life since the age 14. I grew up attending a Roman Catholic Church. I received 12 years of catechetical training at a school that was part of that parish from the first grade through the twelfth grade. As a result of that training, I learned what it is to be an apostle.
During my studying, soul searching, watching and praying as an adult, I read books on the subject of the apostolic ministry. I learned that one of the things apostles do is start churches. I read a book entitled, "The Purpose Driven Church", by Rick Warren. It is a book about how Mr. Warren started, what was at the time of the writing of his book, the fastest growing Baptist Church in America. I read it three times.
At the time, I was worshipping at The Capitol Region Prayer and Healing Center, in Albany, New York on a regular basis. It was there that I saw a flyer on a bulletin board advertising a class that was starting on the subject of church planting and leadership. I signed up, took the course and became an ordained Minister of the Gospel.
In 2009, I started a church in my apartment in Schenectady, New York, United States of America. It is an interdenominational church fellowship. I believe The Lord is calling this church, New Jerusalem Church. In The Revelation to John, in The Holy Bible, heaven is called New Jerusalem (see Revelation 21 for a description). We have had quite a few very good meetings in the community room of my apartment building. I am hopeful I will enjoy more fellowship like this in the future. I believe God has plans for his church and I want to be a part of it. I hope you do, too.
May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.