
Mucho Thanks

First of all, I want to thank The God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for sending His only begotten Son to die on the Cross for our sins to be forgiven. That gift is love and grace beyond anything we can ever know or understand. I also thank Him for giving me His Holy Spirit to counsel me. There is an infinite amount of people and things to thank Him for. I plan to spend eternity doing that.
 I also would like to thank our Holy Mother The Church for all her prayers, lessons, instruction, discipline and encouragement that I have received over the course of my life. Without the church, I would not be part of 
The New Jerusalem. It was a church member that won
my soul. 
To quote a verse from a popular gospel song:
"Thank you, for giving to The Lord;
I am a soul that was saved."
A special thank to my earthly parents for not, "sparing
the rod". Without the rod of correction I might be spoiled
too rotten to believe in Christ. I also want to give thanks for them listening to my bedtime prayers, praying grace before meals making me go to church and paying for my catechetical textbooks. That helped me learn about the great doctrines of the faith.
My heartfelt thanks goes to my close and dear friend, Michael Abair, for all his computer help over the years; from showing me how to turn a computer on
to starting and building this website. Without his help I might not have a website.