Frequently Asked Question:

Image descriptionThe Meaning of Easter

By William Pelrine Jr.

 The meaning of Easter is something we all should know.  In the Church, the crux of the matter is that Jesus was crucified.  He was nailed to the cross.  He was tortured before he was crucified.  He was scourged at the pillar.  In other words, he had many stripes put on his beautiful back.  He didn’t have a scar on him.  He was mocked. He had a reed put in his hand.  They put a crown of thorns on his head and said, “Hail, king of the Jews!”  He was made to carry the cross upon which he would be crucified through the streets of Jerusalem, the capitol of Israel.  He carried the cross to Calvary.

  He, who, The Holy Bible says, “was tempted in all ways, but knew not sin”, became sin for us. We Christians are taught that he is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.  We believe that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin.  In the Old Testament of The Holy Bible, Moses taught that we should do animal sacrifices to atone for our sins.  The Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and since the sacrifice of him on the cross it is no longer necessary to do animal sacrifices.

  This crucifixion took place on what the Church calls Good Friday.  Three days later Jesus’ disciples discovered that the tomb in which he had been laid was empty!  He had risen from the dead and even began to appear to many witnesses!  He was victorious not only over sin, but death as well! 

  In the Church we call this day of the Lord’s resurrection Easter Sunday.  Ever since this first Easter, which took place on the first day of the week, the Church has met to break bread and remember the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples on the night he was betrayed into the hands of Pontius Pilate and celebrate his resurrection. 

  This first Easter is a promise that there is life after death and the life of Jesus proves that we can have forgiveness of sins as well.

  May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.